Read more of my stuff!

Hey friends, some quick updates:

I’ve been trying to get more writing out into the world instead of sitting in my Google Drive, so I started a Wattpad account and a blog on Destructoid.

Wattpad is like LiveJournal for fiction. I’ll be updating stories every Sunday at noonish. I’ve currently got two stories up: Tech Support, which Tales from the Black fans might recognise, and half of House Sitter, a horror story I came up with while I was taking care of my friend’s cat.

Here’s the link to my Wattpad profile. Feedback welcome!

Destructoid is a video game site with a great community blogging system. I’ll be posting my One Game At A Time pieces there from now on. I’ll still be putting them up here on my personal site too.

Here’s my Destructoid page.

K thanks for reading!


Destiny 2's Opening Hours Are Brilliant


One Game At A Time: Resident Evil 2 (2019)